Friday, April 29, 2016

My 20% time Project speech

        Have you ever left a movie theater after watching one of your new favorite movie and thought about one prop in particular, may it be a weapon or tool or even a car and said I want that item. However in our time if you want such a thing you’re going to have to drop a lot and I mean a lot of money on something that may not be personalized to how you want it. So I propose the idea if you want something done its best to do it yourself.
        Now as you might have noticed I built the well know light saber from the Star wars Franchise. Also you would think the light saber being super well known and the weapon of choice by and wise force wielder would be the one thing that they did right, wrong. Though it may satisfy the young-lings it does not satisfy the die-hard fans out there who want the real thing or the closest thing to it. However though these things are the closest thing they aren’t that affordable even the cheapest ranks in at over $150 and that is without the sound and clash effects.

        Now my saber I built was built under $75 but that does not mean it is perfect first of all the battery case is something I would have liked to spend more time on.  The battery case I am currently using is not efficient as this Walmart one but however mine is much brighter and more weight realistic and more evenly balanced over all.
        Now what you see in front of you was not the original idea I went through about 3 different prototypes before stopping on this design. As you can see here prototype 1 is very different than the final. It was around the time when I had finished the final concept when I was hit by a freight train level surprise, turns out my Dremel tool which was my go to tool  suffered from a short of some kind and would not turn on no matter what. So in the end I ended up having to use hand tools to finish the whole thing which took an eternity. But when it was all said and done I was really happy with the way it came out because I was Able to build it to my specifications and to my liking.

        Some time in the future I would like to acquire new tools to build and create amazing new creations and such, and one day go back and try to build a new saber with newly learnedtechniques and try again. Also if there is an option in the future to make this into a career I would do it 100% all the way not once question my decision because this is what I love doing
And I wouldn’t just build the sabers for money, I would do it to build and enjoy my craft because it is one that is very special and amazing.

Friday, April 22, 2016


I have officially finished the light saber. I ended up having a lot of time over the 3 day weekend we had last week. Sadly i have made the decision to NOT upload a picture of the final project due to careful consideration and also the advice of others. Though I am done with my project I will continue to update about random little things every week for the next 2 weeks so i hope you have enjoyed my blog and stayed tuned for more.

Friday, April 8, 2016


My Project It Is Ruined!
No I am just kidding this week i have completely finished the hilt except for paint and the electronics.
On the back of the hilt i translated the name of the blade the Japanese

This translates to the canary.

That is all for this week.

Friday, April 1, 2016


Sadly this week I have not had the opportunity to work on my my project all that i really been able to do in these past weeks is work on the weekends, but even now it has been raining so it has kind of put a damper on the project and I need to work outside for ventilation matters.
So that is my short update for this week hopefully i will be able to work outside on my project.

Friday, March 25, 2016


So it has been 2 weeks since my last blog update. I would have uploaded one last Friday but my dad made last minute decisions to go to Florida and do stuff. He didn't tell me until I got home two Friday's ago. I had initially made plans for myself on what to get done that week. So currently I am behind on schedule.
 While on the less depressing side I have cut and sanded most of what will be the complete hand guard for the top of the saber. I also went and got my self some sword wrap for the hilt.
 That is all.

Friday, March 11, 2016


So after about 3-4 different attempts to make the final hilt for the saber i have realized that that idea may not be as achievable as I once thought.
Below are some new sketches for the more achievable hilt. With that note I would like for anyone to comment and share which one is their favorite. Also just as a side note I will be making the spectre as the final one.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016


My blades had come in this weekend

 (tested with a weak led light I bought from Walmart. Also the blue blade was done with a blue piece of film to color)